22-24 July 2022

One World Hotel, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Message from the Scientific Chairman

Dr Suresh Kumarasamy

The academic content is the most important aspect of any scientific congress and having a good faculty is critical.

The Annual Congress of the Obstetrical & Gynecological Society of Malaysia is the premier educational event in our specialty. The scientific programme for this year’s congress has been carefully crafted to provide the latest information and advances in Obstetrics & Gynaecology in an easy to understand, practical form so that clinical practice can be enhanced and improved.

The faculty that has been chosen includes renowned international experts as well as our very own local speakers. The international experts will be presenting via Zoom while the local speakers will be speaking in person.

The usual plenary lectures and keynote lectures will cover current issues over the whole spectrum of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. This year there will be Masterclasses on Obstetric Ultrasound, CTG, Cosmetic Gynaecology, Genetics and Urogynaecology. Controversial issues in Reproductive Medicine will be debated. 

The Asian Society of Gynaecological Oncology will be conducting a symposium focusing on gynaecological cancer surgery. The Asia-Pacific HPV Coalition will run a two hour symposium on HPV related disease comprising lectures and clinical cases. There will, in addition be the usual symposia and a session on educational surgical videos. A special session on examination style scenarios has been organised for the trainees.

You are promised an exciting and informative scientific programme that is both broad and varied. Mark the dates in your calendar and I look forward to meeting you at the One World Hotel in July 2022.