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Dr Voon Hian Yan
Consultant Obstetrician, Gynaecologist and Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist, Sarawak General Hospital,
Kuching, Sarawak

  • Dr Voon Hian Yan
  • Dr Voon Hian Yan is a maternal-fetal medicine fellow who’s core interest lies in public health and the preventive facets of obstetrics. He underwent a 3-year fellowship recognized by the Ministry of Health Malaysia in Sarawak General Hospital and Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney. He is currently the national representative in the Ultrasound Subcommittee of the Asia & Oceania Federation of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (AOFOG).
  • Dr Voon is a trainer for the pilot RCOG Advanced Training Skills Module (ATSM) as well as for a regional obstetric life saving programme, the Intensive Course in Obstetric Emergencies (ICOE). With the support of AOFOG, he has been involved in ICOE activities held in Kathmandu (Nepal), Ulanbataar, Sukhbataar (Mongolia) and Ho Chi Minh. Teaching has always been the nucleus of his passion and he doubles as an adjunct lecturer with Universiti Malaysia Sarawak.
  • Having spent a significant proportion of his career in underserved, geographically-removed populations has helped him grow both as a clinician and as an individual. He finds maximizing outcomes with limited resources both challenging and fulfilling.
  • Day 1, 05 Jul 2024 (1150-1215) @ Sipadan Hall 1
    Simulation Village 1.3: Preeclampsia Screening at Term: Maternal Ophthalmic Artery Doppler in Pregnancy
    Symposium 1 - OGSM Simulation Village
  • Day 2, 06 Jul 2024 (1015-1040) @ Sipadan Hall 1
    Precision in the Management of Fetal Growth Restriction: The Role of Computerized CTG
    Symposium 5 - Updates in O&G
  • Day 3, 07 Jul 2024 (1405-1420) @ Mataking (Level 2, SICC)
    Demo: Appreciating the Machine for Optimal Imaging
    Post-Congress 3 - OGSM-MMA Ultrasound Course for Primary Health Care Professionals
  • Day 3, 07 Jul 2024 (1420-1445) @ Mataking (Level 2, SICC)
    Lecture 1: Transabdominal Ultrasound in Gynaecology: The Essentials (Fibroids, endometrioma, adenomyosis, ovarian pathologies (IOTA classification), adnexal masses)
    Post-Congress 3 - OGSM-MMA Ultrasound Course for Primary Health Care Professionals