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Professor Frank Louwen
FIGO President Elect,
Head, Obstetrics and Feto-Maternal Medicine,
Goethe University and University Hospital,

  • FIGO President Elec
  • Full Professor & Head Division Obstetrics and Fetomaternal Medicine, Goethe University and University Hospital Frankfurt.
  • 2011 Doctor honoris cause Russian Academy of Med. Siences, St. Petersburg
  • 2019 Fellow (ad eundeum), RCOG, Great Britain
  • 2022 Honorary membership AOG, Ukraine
  • 2022 Honorary membership SOG, Israel
  • 2022 Active Fellow, AGOS, USA
  • 2023 Fellow honorary FOGSI, India
  • 2023 Fellow honorary RCPI, Ireland
  • 2023 Fellow honorary MOGSI, India
  • 2010 – 2022 Boardmember German society2015 – 2021 Immediate Past FIGO Council Member
  • 2021 – 2023 Adviser ECAC FIGO
  • 2021 Immediate Past SPC Chair FIGO
  • 2020 – 2023 President elect EBCOG
  • President of the German Foundation of Women´s Health
  • Main scientific interests: Stem cells in obesity and preeclampsia; Placental function; Immunology in HELLP-Syndrome; Molecular biology of labour; Clinical safety of breech and twins deliveries; Teaching tools in obstetrics.
  • Day 1, 05 Jul 2024 (1620-1650) @ Sipadan Hall 2
    Maternal Obesity and Placental Function
    Plenary 3 -
  • Day 1, 05 Jul 2024 (1650-1730) @ Sipadan Hall 2
    OGSM Forum: The Impact of AI in O&G
  • Day 3, 07 Jul 2024 (0950-1015) @ Sipadan Hall 2
    OBGYN Training – The EBCOG Way
    Symposium 10 - The OGSM President's Circle