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Professor Hassan Shehata
RCOG’s Senior Vice President for Global Health,
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
Consultant Obstetrician and Maternal Medicine Subspecialist, 
United Kingdom

  • Professor Hassan Shehata
  • RCOG’s Senior Vice President for Global Health
  • Hassan Shehata is Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Consultant Obstetrician and Maternal Medicine Subspecialist and also the RCOG’s Senior Vice President for Global Health. His NHS base is at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals. He is also the Clinical Lead for South-West London Maternal Medicine Network, creating clinical pathways and safe referral systems, ensuring all women with pre-, ante- and post-natal complex medical conditions have equal accessibility and care.
  • Hassan has a strong research background with over 100 peer-reviewed publications including NEJM, Lancet and BMJ. His research interests include recurrent miscarriages, obesity, diabetes, renal disease, and obstetric cholestasis.
  • Day 3, 07 Jul 2024 (1015-1040) @ Sipadan Hall 2
    Recurrent Miscarriages: An Update
    Symposium 10 - The OGSM President's Circle
  • Day 3, 07 Jul 2024 (1110-1140) @ Sipadan Hall 2
    Is Metformin the Aspirin of the 21st Century?
    Plenary 9 -