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Professor Nur Azurah Abdul Ghani
Paediatric & Adolescent Gynaecologist,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,
Kuala Lumpur

  • Professor Nur Azurah Abdul Ghani
  • Faculty of Medicine, UKM, Malaysia
  • First to be trained in Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology in Malaysia. Set-up the first PAG clinic in Malaysia together with her colleague Assoc Prof Dr Ani Amelia.
  • HCTM and HPKK is now recognized as training centre for PAG by the International Federation of Infantile and Juvenile Gynaecology (FIJIG). She is also the executive board member of FIJIG.
  • Her area of interest is in Mullerian anomaly, menstrual disorders in girls and microbiome in gynaecological diseases. 
  • Day 1, 05 Jul 2024 (1215-1240) @ Sipadan Hall 2
    Dysmenorrhea among Adolescents: When is it a Concern?
    Symposium 2 - Adolescent Women's Health
  • Day 2, 06 Jul 2024 (0950-1015) @ Sipadan Hall 3
    Surgical Management of OHVIRA Syndrome
    Symposium 7 - Surgical Advances in O&G